Thursday, December 5, 2019

Performance Management Goals Identification

Question: Discuss about thePerformance Managementfor Goals Identification. Answer: Introduction: Performance management refers to the groundwork of the employees performance and engagement. It involves the process of communication between the executives and workers that take place annually. The process ensures the support of accomplishing the strategic objectives of the organization. The procedure of communication therefore, includes explanation of expectations, goals identification, make available feedback, and results review. When components of performance management are over in considerate and rational manner, with lively engagement of both supervisor and workers, the results of both parties are optimistic. The critical conversation between supervisor and employees poses a good platform for providing coaching. An important element of developing workers include inclusive and well achieved performance management system incorporating components. These components include face to face meetings, performance appraisals and mechanism to control underperformance.(Shutler Storbeck, 20 12) Performance management has a broader concept than performance appraisal. Its primary objectives is to improve the organizational, operational, team and workers performances. Efficient performance management determines the development of the organization towards meeting the set business targets. The process encompass designing, establishing, observing, reviewing and assessing organizational, efficiency, team and workers performance. The strategic part of the performance management process including outlining competencies required to perform jobs or duties. Its imperative to underline goals as they need to be accomplished effectively. Two types of essential competencies for employees includes: Teamwork and collaboration. The two elements participate to take the team forward, aligns with the team to meet mutual goals and maintains strong, personal connection with coworkers and shareholders. Adopt change. It classifies barriers and opportunities, execute solutions, maintain efficacy when experiencing major changes, and adjusts successfully to new work structures. (Storbeck, 2010) For the managers there still have two additional fundamental competences which include allocation of resource. Managers manage finances and organizational resources to improve efficiency in various department. Utilize funds, staffing or human resources economically and effectively. In addition, they build a high performance team which grows a capable, diverse and consistent team. The main objective being to give others morale to achieve organizations goals. The teams also recognizes and gives rewards contributions.(Peljhan T, 2014) Benefits Managing workers or performance system and supporting their objectives abilities and the effective delivery of planned and operational goals. Some studies describe there must be clear and concise relationship between using performance management plans hence improving organizational output. The effects of performance management system have greatly differentiated from properties of the systems and the context into which they are applied. Performance management help the in directing and managing financial gains. It enable the organization to grow the sales volume for the production sector. The effective performance management aid the organization to reduce costs in organizations operations. The reduction is done through reducing the time frame to create strategic changes by communicating the changes via a new channel of goals.(Hurst J, 2010) The process motivate the staff. The motivated workforce enhances incentive strategy to a particular goals for business achievement. Moreover, it optimizes employee engagement because every worker understands their contribution to the organizations high level objectives. Motivated employee build transparency in meeting the set goals. The inspired workforce enhance professional growth programs since they are aligned straight to achieving business goals. Performance management contribute to the improvement of management control. It enhances flexible, responsive to management immediate needs. In addition, it simplifies communication of strategic objectives scenario analysis. Performance Management Phases Performance management is a management model that involves a process in which an organization creates a suitable work environment that motivate workers to work to their level best of their capabilities. The managers uses the process to accomplish the organizations goals; the process involves some form of goal setting, assessment and reward. Phase 1: Planning Performance The primary focus of the performance plan requires the workers to remain relevant on the organization goals. The two main distinct elements to the planning focus include: Work duty. The work duty involve the day-to-day operational responsibilities of staffs job. Job role gives clear description. The description comprise five to seven key things on staffs job. The performance plan must specify the projects or assignment to for organization to undertake. Regularly, the employees will be allocated large projects that are part of the yearly performance objectives. These projects usually related to the workers job duty, but focus on initiatives larger than completing their daily chores. The specific tasks include documentation of new practice, finding ways to improve a practice, or effecting new systems. Another key component of performance plan is articulating performance goals. The primary role of managers or management is to identify and communicate the organizations goals to the employees. The elaboration should also involve them translating them into their individual objectives. The discussion of the objectives at this primary beginning of the cycle, is to give periodic feedback and modifications as needed. The feedback will result to a successful end of cycle with performance appraisal.(Hurst J, 2010) Affiliate performance goals with organization goals. The major role of every manager is to ensure that clear communication reaches all workers with relevance and alignment of the performance goals. The employees, on their part, make sure that the articulated aims link with overall objectives of the organization. Similarly, the managers will certify the implementation of policies contributes to the goals of the organization. The forth key element involve building and confirming the plan. The details of the plan will provide specific action required by the workers in the organization. Those staff members who have low levels of performance, the managers will be required to have close monitoring to effect the performance goals. The possibility of objectives been achieved rises with detail planning. Organization should select the team to review and implement the planning.(C, 2013) Phase 2: Coaching Performance Coaching requires providing progress feedback to the employees. In the organization, managers are responsible to give coaching to their staff members. The coaching may be based on their immediate needs in either formalized meetings or on an informal basis. Coaching requirements may not even be steady for one staff member as they works under different tasks. The fact that employees have distinguished levels of skill for all the job they perform. Managers, however should be aware of the areas of their staff members work to give them support. Greater coaching support should be emphasized to those staff members with low levels of performance. On the other hand, those employees with high performance levels require less coaching support.(J, 2012) The coaching process may take place regularly to discuss progress of the organization. The progress mainly depend on expectations of the organization and the levels of performance identified for the role needed to achieve the performance goals. For both formal and ad hoc coaching, manager should focus on the most imperative priorities. The management should describe specific situations and behavior, and focus on the work of relating feedback to objectives and prospects. They should evaluate the things from their perspective, share their experiences if seems relevant. In addition, the managers must ensure the individuals understands by posing questions to the workers. Finally, they are supposed to follow up to monitor achievements. The provision of ongoing coaching is conducted since staff members requires reinforcement, especially when addressing challenges, introducing new skills and abilities. The central role of a good coach ensures employees are doing well, give detailed positive feedback. In contrast, if the coaches observe unsuccessful work or behavior, they have a responsibility to provide feedback which highlights the odds and provide the remedies. In the coaching phase, managers should make sure that the staff members has the resources, and enough information to perform the needed tasks within the prescribed timeframe. The management of the organization should use two facets of clearing the path: solving any problem that impede improvement and influencing enablers that will accelerate achievement of goals. This generate a supportive setting for their staff members.(Rizov Crouche, 2009) Phase 3: Reviewing Performance Reviewing performance, the last phase in performance management should heavily dependent on the above two phases. They provide perfect and balanced performance assessments. Therefore, it is equally important for the mangers to do a detailed work in establishing performance objectives and coaching. In this performance process, review of performance management should conducted more often throughout the year. Managers are expected to officially review the performance of organizations staff members and give them a formal feedback. The components of reviewing performance should be accomplished by both supervisor and staff members. The supervisor, having obligation for documenting the final appraisal upon assessing the performance. Both the manager and employee should match what the employee have achieved against the outlined performance goal. In addition, management should review how the workers achieved those outcomes.(Zupan, 2011) The review performance of results enable management to provide feedback about strengths that can be recognized and challenges that need extra coaching and perfection. The feedback managers provide will include the performance in an ongoing work responsibility and achievement on tasked goals. The feedback should reflect the availability of time for each type of assignment. The reflection should involve both the supervisor and workers for easy assessment of assignment. In the review performance process, managers must determine the performance ratings in a reliable manner to all employees. The ratings will allow them to closely understand individual results in an appropriate structure.(Z, 2015) Tools of Performance Management Any organization whether public or private, have passionate with managing and measuring performance. Therefore, most widely used tool for performance management include; Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) The tool require an extensive metrics components. Though the tool is among the powerful managing performance tool, organization are supposed to heed an advisory note. In many organization the tool has been applicable and recorded to be effective. The primary value of KPIs is to allow rich data-driven performance discussions and improved decision-making. Assessing everything that moves offers little more than an impression that performance is being managed. Performance Appraisals The performance appraisal tool is very valued tool for supporting the goals of the individual with the strategic aims of the organization. It therefore operate under the condition that unless staff members believe the appraisal process is unbiased, it become a poor instrument for motivation performance. Through appraisal, organizations wishes to drive behaviors which may be fully counted in appraisal design process.(Bartel, 2014) Mission and Vision statements. The overriding reason for these statements is to make sure that all efforts to improve performance are aiming at the same direction hence equally important to be most of the cases the statements are poorly described, and they lead to confusion about their role. For instance, mission describe the reasons for the existence of an organization. On the other hand, vision statements should give inspirational, aspirational message, and emphasize on where the organization will play and where not to play.(Wright, 2009) Management Dashboards. The management dashboards tool unify performance information in a succinct display to ease the communication which leads to high performance levels. Dashboards are all over with many organizations. However, the dashboards tool should check the operational performance rather than strategic performance. Lean management strategy Lean management tool shows a simple set of tools for easily isolating and eradicating waste from the organizations. The primary focus is on what to be improved rather than not what is easy to deliver tangible and measurable benefits.(Wright, 2009) Theoretical Perspective of Performance Management Goal Setting Theory of Performance Management Goal setting refers to the set objectives for the consequent performance used in future of an organization. The theory predict that when an organization set difficult objectives they automatically perform better. The goal setting theory is meant to help in action development plan prepared to guide organizations. Accordingly, the theory helps in developing key management literature. Furthermore, according to many studies, the goal setting and enhanced results have positive interrelation. The main factor remains that goal setting theory contains all aspects of improving organizations efficacy. Goal setting can be used in organization where efficiency of results are desired through effective setting of goals. Hence, in order to apply goal setting in the organization set up, commitment analysis is accepted in order to draw the goals.(Shutler Storbeck, 2012) Expectancy Theory of Performance Management From the definition, performance management create environment for continuous observing and measuring of actions of individual employees in an organization. Equally, it also measures the performance of the whole organization for the organizational goals met in an efficient fashion. Expectancy theory therefore stresses the idea of performance management. The theory is applicable in all organizations especially in aspects of occupation relationship with the central focus on employee performance. Precisely, the theory is seen in organizational processes which include among them recruitment and during employees selection for a certain job. Correspondingly, the theory is used to analyze the organizational results and assessment of employee performance according organizational goals. On the other hand, expectancy theory is used to pinpoint the variables that provoke individual workers in the organization.(Hurst J, 2010) Conclusion and Recommendation In a nutshell, the findings of this paper, the importance of having an effective performance appraisal program. The program should be very fair free from bias to enable staff members to afford the opportunity to get unbiased appraisal. Otherwise if the appraisal are fair it impresses workers moral values since good appraisal motivates staffs to work extra hard. Further finding proposes that government employed people need to trained on organizations goals and objectives. The training will enable them to have a belonging sense and increase desire to participate more in organizational targets. Recommendations. For organizations to achieve performance management, they have to involve staffs in each of the components of reviewing performance. The action will favor greater commitment and approval of the absolute performance review. Management of every organization must be able to elaborate the general performance score they assign. Therefore the need for the managers to know a clear understanding of the performance ratings. Performance management may include plans for future progression. These plans include attending specific requirements for existing work performance for future tasks. Performance management goals should be well articulated. For both workers and supervisors should have clear picture of the expected result, ways to determine success, and the time bound for accomplishing the task. Managing performance requires managers who would determine how much coaching employees need meeting their tasks. That is, a worker may need significant coaching on one assignment and be able to finish the other fully independently. References Bartel, A. P. (2014). Human resource management and performance in the banking industry. [Special topic:] Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting. Economic and business review,, 215-218. C, K. F. (2013). Strategic Humqan resource Management and Resource-based approach. Management Research news, 50-68. Hurst, J., J, M. (2010). Performance Measurement and Performance Management. OECD Publishing, 34-45. J, M. (2012). Human Resource and Manufacturing Performance. International Journal of Operation, 72-87. Peljhan, D., T, M. (2014). Dynamics between control management and strategy . Performance measurement and management, 50-62. Rizov, M., Crouche, R. (2009). Human resource management and performance in Ausralia firms. 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